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Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap is a front-end framework for a responsive, modern, and clean web interface design. It is described as a mobile-first front-end framework by the Bootstrap team at Twitter.
I use a lot of Bootstrap 3 components, including but not limited to: tabs, responsive grids, carousels, modals, collapse controls, and glyphicons. Bootstrap 4 and 5 have been released but I have not had the chance to migrate my website to one of the newer versions.
The Bootstrap 4.5 license page provides a good summary of the license and attribution requirements.
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VisitGlyphicons Halflings
Glyphicons are a library of icons that I use for my website. I am using the FREE Glyphicon haflings set that comes available with the Bootstrap 3 framework that I am using for my current portfolio.
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VisitMaterial Icons
Material Icons are a library of icons that I am also using for my website. They are created by the Material Design team at Google.
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Masonry is a JavaScript library used to responsively fit content of variable sizes onto a grid. It works by stacking rectangular elements like brick masonry, hence they call this the Masonry library.
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VisitLazy Load Remastered
Lazy Load Remastered is a JavaScript plugin by Mika Tuupola that is used to perform lazy loading of content. Lazy loading is the technique of delaying the loading of content until they are needed by the user.
It is commonly used on web sites that have big files or large amounts of content that would take a long time to load on a page. This is particularly useful for users who have a slow internet connection and may be forced to wait too long for a specific image to load because other images before it need to be loaded first (i.e. there is a bottleneck). This results in a horrible user experience for the user and unnecessary waiting times.
This plugin will force pages to only load the images that are currently in view of the browser window. The first set of images in the viewport will load, and any more images outside the viewport will load as the user scrolls down.
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FitText is a JavaScript plugin by Dave Rupert which allows you to responsively fit text inside their container (i.e. text will grow or shrink depending on the parent container's size).
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jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easier to program in JavaScript. Element look up is a lot easier with the use of jQuery: $(.foo) returns all elements with the "foo" class. Some JavaScript plugins, libraries, and frameworks require jQuery to function. Bootstrap 3, for example, requires jQuery.
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Formspree is a way for me to add email contact forms to my website without having to implement any of the backend.